Retail Store Display: Touchscreen Installation


Patriot Logistics provides a wide array of support programs for the roll-out of any retail store display. When you have been in the industry as long as we have, you not only develop an understanding of the importance of fixtures and racks on the retail floors, but also of the back of house organization for your employees. While working in the back of house is nothing new, today we are touching base on a service offering that is becoming more and more popular, wall-mounted touch screen monitors. We have installed various touch screens on walls in back of house retail stores with more and more frequency.

Our Customer Service Department and Project Managers work with your I.T. and Sales Operations Department to determine scheduling, data cable placement, power source placement, general floor plans, and all of the fun details. We understand the importance of the flow of your sales operation, and therefore our technicians have been trained to do everything within their power to minimize their effect on the flow during installation. When you select Patriot as your vendor of choice, you can rest assured that we will execute the project order exactly as you have requested without having to spend countless hours on vendor oversight.

Why install a touchscreen monitor in your back of house? Several reasons come to mind, but to mention a few: sales performance boards, training classes, information distribution and more. Is your back of house littered with whiteboards and sales charts? How would you like to eliminate that cluttered feel by installing one unit? Not only do you gain the sleekness of one unit with all of you sales performance information, you also gain the ability to run live updates and sales performance presentations to keep the attention of your sales team. One of the other benefits we mentioned was training. With the increase in compliance stardardization, sales and customer service training, it is essential to have an effective way of conducting employee training classes in a way that won’t put your team to sleep. By utilizing a well placed touch screen, you can increase the effectiveness of your presentations and decrease the time you spend putting them on! The last specific benefit we mentioned was information distribution. While this may overlap with training to some degree, it is in itself another topic. Say your company offers various opportunities to volunteer in the community. An employer can leave this information up on the touch screen and allow employees to browse menu topics on their break time.

The bottom line is that installing touch screen monitors in your back of house is a very good idea and Patriot Logistics is the preferred vendor for performing this type of work. Whether you need help with sourcing, transportation, installation, removal, or all of the above, we have a solution for you. Contact us today through the website, via email at, or via phone at 1-888-296-2995. We look forward to hearing from you!



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